This continuing education course satisfies two hours of the required eight hours of elective courses that a real estate agent must take every two years.
This course explores the relation of the NAR Code of Ethics to the law, focusing specifically on those duties and obligations required in the public interest which are beyond the capacity or power of the law to mandate. Since the Code supports the law by requiring a higher sensitivity to the duties and obligations which it imposes, this course will also provide opportunities for the realtor to reflect on the importance of ethics in the field as well as be able to apply legal principles to real estate transactions.
By the end of the course, the learner will be able to:
- Briefly describe the history of the Code of Ethics as it relates to its origins, its influence on state licensing laws and its establishment of arbitration as the monetary dispute resolution process between realtors.
- Identify concepts in the Preamble to the Code of Ethics, including concepts such as the wide distribution of land ownership, highest and best use of the land, principles of competency, fairness and high integrity and the concept of adherence to the Code regardless of an inducement of profit and/or an instruction from clients to the contrary.
- Identify the Golden Rule as one of the foundations upon which the Code of Ethics is built.
- List the major categories of Articles in the Code (Duties to Clients and Customers, Duties to the Public and Duties to realtors.
- Describe the structure of the Code and its supporting materials (Articles, Standards of Practice and Case Interpretations).
- List Articles of the Code which are commonly the subject of complaints.
- Describe the concepts of these commonly cited Articles of the Code, including Articles 1, 2, 9, 12, and 16.
- Given case studies, fact scenarios or similar interactive learning methods, identify possible violations of the Code of Ethics, specifically related to the commonly cited Articles.
- Describe the professional standards enforcement process of the board or association, including the distinction between an ethics complaint and an arbitration petition, and the differences between the Grievance Committee and the Professional Standards/Arbitration Committees.
- Describe the basis upon which a procuring cause arbitration claim is decided.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate NAR Code of Ethics Certificate of Completion
Learning credits
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